Senin, 27 Maret 2017

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Automobile Insurance

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Automobile Insurance
By:"Samuel Patton Black","Samuel P. Black (Jr.)","John Paul Rossi"
Published on 2001 by Taylor & Francis

This study explores the development of automobile insurance through the career of one of the industry's entrepreneurs, Samuel P. Black, Jr., and Erie Insurance, the company he helped build. The joint history of Samuel Black and Erie Insurnace, from the early 1920s to 1961, chronicles the development of automobile insurance.

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword Auto insurance.

Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

The Canadian Car Buyer's Survival Guide

The Canadian Car Buyer's Survival Guide
By:"John Terauds"
Published on 1996-08-01 by Dundurn

This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword car soundsystems.

Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics
Published on 1973-12 by

Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.

This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.

Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Troubleshooting and Repairing Compact Disc Players

Troubleshooting and Repairing Compact Disc Players
By:"Homer L. Davidson"
Published on 1996 by TAB/Electronics

Updated to cover the newest models and enhanced with special flowcharts, this is a practical guide to CD player repair. It shows how to remove and replace defective laser heads, repair servo systems and build an infrared tester

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.

Insurance for Dummies

Insurance for Dummies
By:"Jack Hungelmann"
Published on 2009-05-04 by John Wiley & Sons

Now updated — your guide to getting the best insurance policy Are you intimidated by insurance? Have no fear — this easy-to-understand guide explains everything you need to know, from getting the most coverage at the best price to dealing with adjusters, filing claims, and more. Whether you're looking for personal or business insurance, you'll see how to avoid common pitfalls, lower your costs, and get what you deserve at claim time. Get to know the basics — understand how to make good insurance decisions and reduce the chances of a financial loss in your life Take your insurance on the road — manage your personal automobile risks, handle special situations, insure recreational vehicles, and deal with insurance adjusters Understand homeowner's and renter's insurance — know what is and isn't covered by typical policies, common exclusions and pitfalls, and how to cover yourself against personal lawsuits Buy the right umbrella policy — discover the advantages, and coordinate your policies to cover the gaps Manage life, health, and disability risks — explore individual and group policies, understand Medicare basics, and evaluate long-term disability and long-term-care insurance Open the book and find: The best life, health, home, and auto policies Strategies for handling the claims process to get what you deserve Tips on adjusting your deductible to suit your lifestyle How to navigate healthcare policies Ways to reduce your risk and your premiums Common traps and loopholes Considerations for grads, freelancers, and remote workers

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword Auto insurance.

Low-cost Car Repairs

Low-cost Car Repairs
By:"John Mills"
Published on 1967-01-01 by

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword car repairs.

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

Troubleshooting Analog Circuits

Troubleshooting Analog Circuits
By:"Robert A. Pease"
Published on 2013-10-22 by Butterworth-Heinemann

Troubleshooting Analog Circuits is a guidebook for solving product or process related problems in analog circuits. The book also provides advice in selecting equipment, preventing problems, and general tips. The coverage of the book includes the philosophy of troubleshooting; the modes of failure of various components; and preventive measures. The text also deals with the active components of analog circuits, including diodes and rectifiers, optically coupled devices, solar cells, and batteries. The book will be of great use to both students and practitioners of electronics engineering. Other professionals dealing with electronics will also benefit from the text, such as electric technicians.

This Book was ranked 4 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.


By:"Gini Scott"
Published on 2016-10-11 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

Drawn from the personal experience of dozens of victims, including the author's own encounters, Scammed exposes the most prevalent consumer and money scams lurking in modern society. With so many people falling prey to a wide variety of frauds due to increasing vulnerability on the anonymous Internet, an exposé has never been timelier. This recounts the stories of victims of over two dozen different types of scams, and what they did to recover. These scams include: Auto repair industry scams Insurance industry scams Housing industry scams and real estate house flip scams Home repair scams Counterfeit products Phony job offers Phony publishing and film producing offers Phony investments Phony money scams from scamsters asking for help And many others The chilling tales and details of these scams are interspersed with the wisdom of how each one can be dealt with and avoided. Readers will take away from the shocking stories confidence that they have gained the knowledge and preparedness to avoid being Scammed. Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, publishes a broad range of books on the visual and performing arts, with emphasis on the business of art. Our titles cover subjects such as graphic design, theater, branding, fine art, photography, interior design, writing, acting, film, how to start careers, business and legal forms, business practices, and more. While we don't aspire to publish a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are deeply committed to quality books that help creative professionals succeed and thrive. We often publish in areas overlooked by other publishers and welcome the author whose expertise can help our audience of readers.

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword car repairs.

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Car Repairs Made Easy

Car Repairs Made Easy
By:"B. C. Macdonald"
Published on 1964 by

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword car repairs.

Senin, 20 Maret 2017

ES&T Presents Audio Troubleshooting and Repair

ES&T Presents Audio Troubleshooting and Repair
Published on 1999 by Taylor & Francis

This book provides information that will make it possible for technicians and electronics hobbyists to service audio faster, more efficiently, and more economically. This makes it more likely that consumers will choose not to discard their faulty products, but will have them restored by a trained professional.

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.

Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Elevator Industry Field Employees' Safety Handbook

Elevator Industry Field Employees' Safety Handbook
Published on by Elevator World Inc

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017


Published on 1986-12 by

From the concert stage to the dressing room, from the recording studio to the digital realm, SPIN surveys the modern musical landscape and the culture around it with authoritative reporting, provocative interviews, and a discerning critical ear. With dynamic photography, bold graphic design, and informed irreverence, the pages of SPIN pulsate with the energy of today's most innovative sounds. Whether covering what's new or what's next, SPIN is your monthly VIP pass to all that rocks.

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword car soundsystems.

Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

Dare To Repair Your Car

Dare To Repair Your Car
By:"Julie Sussman","Stephanie Glakas-Tenet"
Published on 2005-08-30 by Harper Collins

We're back! And this time we've got your back when it comes to you and your car. In Dare to Repair: A Do-It-Herself Guide to Fixing (Almost) Anything in the Home, we opened the door for you into the world of basic home repairs. Now, we're opening a different one -- a car door. Dare to Repair Your Car is a basic car care and safety book written by women for women ... and men, and new teen drivers, and senior drivers. Okay, it's for every person who dares to drive a car. Here are just some of the things that will keep you and your family safe: Changing a flat tire Maintaining fluids Jumpstarting a battery Replacing a headlamp Finding a great mechanic Installing a car seat Driving tips for teens and seniors Preparing for a road trip Filled with detailed illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions, Dare to Repair Your Car will help you shift gears and get you moving in the direction of maintaining your car -- yourself. You'll be so excited about what you've learned you'll want to toot your own horn!

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword car repairs.

Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

Auto Repair For Dummies

Auto Repair For Dummies
By:"Deanna Sclar"
Published on 2011-04-27 by John Wiley & Sons

The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself market. For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must and now it's even better. A complete reorganization now puts relevant repair and maintenance information directly after each automotive system overview, making it much easier to find hands-on fix-it instructions. Author Deanna Sclar has updated systems and repair information throughout, eliminating discussions of carburetors and adding coverage of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. She's also revised schedules for tune-ups and oil changes, included driving tips that can save on maintenance and repair costs, and added new advice on troubleshooting problems and determining when to call in a professional mechanic. For anyone who wants to save money on car repairs and maintenance, this book is the place to start. Deanna Sclar (Long Beach, CA), an acclaimed auto repair expert and consumer advocate, has contributed to the Los Angeles Times and has been interviewed on the Today show, NBC Nightly News, and other television programs.

This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

How to Restore Your Collector Car

How to Restore Your Collector Car
Published on 2009 by MotorBooks International

This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword car troubleshoot.

I-Car Professional Automotive Collision Repair

I-Car Professional Automotive Collision Repair
By:"James E. Duffy","Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair"
Published on 2000-12-01 by Cengage Learning

Today, more than ever, automotive collision repair technicians are needed. However, to be a successful collision repair technician, the student must master a wide range of skills. The I-CAR Professional Automotive Collision Repair, 2e text will help students master those skills by providing them with the knowledge they need in an easy-to-understand format. This text provides an explanation of the theory behind a successful repair. It also provides information on the latest collision repair tools, equipment, and techniques and offers important safety tips and strategies for students to use in protecting themselves and the environment. Finally, it provides the foundation needed to prepare for the ASE Certification Exam and offers insight into what it takes to become a successful, well-rounded collision repair technician. - Preface.

This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword car repairs.

Minggu, 05 Maret 2017

How to Make Your Car Last Forever

How to Make Your Car Last Forever
By:"Thomas Torbjornsen"
Published on 2010-10-03 by Motorbooks

For many people, a well-maintained automobile is a source of pride and peace of mind. But for others, the idea of routine maintenance is daunting. How to Make Your Car Last Forever will guide you through the minefield of preventative maintenance, repair, extended warranties, and magic elixirs that claim to cure everything from oil consumption to male-pattern baldness! Author, car repair expert, and host of satellite radio show America's Car Show with Tom Torbjornsen, Tom Torbjornsen has seen it all in his 40 years in the automobile industry. Let him show you how to extend the life of your car indefinitely. In How to Make Your Car Last Forever, he explains the what, when, and why's of automotive maintenance and repairs in easy-to-understand terms. Simple how-to projects supplement the learning with step-by-step instructions that will save you time and money. While you may not want your car to last forever, Torbjornsen's advice will help you preserve it indefinitely while maximizing resale value down the road. Preventative maintenance is the key to the automotive fountain of youth. Let Tom Torbjornsen show you the way!

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword car repairs.

Jumat, 03 Maret 2017

Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics
Published on 1986-07 by

Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword car soundsystems.

Kamis, 02 Maret 2017


Published on 1985-06 by

From the concert stage to the dressing room, from the recording studio to the digital realm, SPIN surveys the modern musical landscape and the culture around it with authoritative reporting, provocative interviews, and a discerning critical ear. With dynamic photography, bold graphic design, and informed irreverence, the pages of SPIN pulsate with the energy of today's most innovative sounds. Whether covering what's new or what's next, SPIN is your monthly VIP pass to all that rocks.

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword car soundsystems.